Rice’s Mark Jones continues to be interviewed and cited widely by local and national media outlets about Gov. Rick Perry’s run for president. Jones is available via phone or Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy’s broadcast studio. The studio is HD-ready and has an ISDN line. Recent news clippings:
Rice University’s Mark Jones appeared on Fox News to discuss Gov. Rick Perry’s record in Texas
Jones penned this column for the Texas Tribune. The article appeared Sept. 27.
Guest Column: The GOP Flipped, but Perry Hasn’t
Excerpt: Somewhat overlooked in the attention heaped upon Gov. Rick Perry’s immigration position in the wake of recent weeks’ GOP presidential primary debates is the reality that in 2001, Perry was joined by virtually the entire Republican membership of the Texas Legislature in supporting legislation allowing undocumented immigrants who meet a series of requirements (e.g., be a Texas high school graduate, a Texas resident, and agree to apply for permanent residency when eligible) to pay in-state tuition at Texas public institutions of higher education. …
Click here to read the full column on the Tribune’s site.
Jones appears on Fox 26 Houston to discuss Christie, Perry and the GOP field
Christie Says It’s Final: No GOP Presidential Run: MyFoxHOUSTON.com
Jones also appeared in the TIME Magazine Rick Perry cover story last week. Read it here.