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Rice’s Mark Jones recent news clippings on Rick Perry’s run for president

October 13th, 2011 by David Ruth

Rice’s Mark Jones continues to be interviewed and cited widely by local and national media outlets about Gov. Rick Perry’s run for president. Jones is available via phone or Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy’s broadcast studio. The studio is HD-ready and has an ISDN line. Recent news clippings:

Rice University’s Mark Jones appeared on Fox News to discuss Gov. Rick Perry’s record in Texas

 Jones penned this column for the Texas Tribune. The article appeared Sept. 27.

Guest Column: The GOP Flipped, but Perry Hasn’t
Excerpt: Somewhat overlooked in the attention heaped upon Gov. Rick Perry’s immigration position in the wake of recent weeks’ GOP presidential primary debates is the reality that in 2001, Perry was joined by virtually the entire Republican membership of the Texas Legislature in supporting legislation allowing undocumented immigrants who meet a series of requirements (e.g., be a Texas high school graduate, a Texas resident, and agree to apply for permanent residency when eligible) to pay in-state tuition at Texas public institutions of higher education. …

Click here to read the full column on the Tribune’s site.


Jones appears on Fox 26 Houston to discuss Christie, Perry and the GOP field

Christie Says It’s Final: No GOP Presidential Run: MyFoxHOUSTON.com

Jones also appeared in the TIME Magazine Rick Perry cover story last week. Read it here.

Jones comments in Hearst story about Perry’s attack on Obama Israel policy

September 21st, 2011 by David Ruth

Rice University political scientist Mark Jones comments in a Hearst story today about Rick Perry attacking President Obama about his Israeli policy.

Rick Perry attacks Obama’s policy on Israel
Amanda Sakuma, Hearst Washington Bureau


Texas Gov. Rick Perry ignited a political firestorm Tuesday by declaring that President Obama had pushed U.S.-Israeli relations to “the precipice” via “naive and arrogant, misguided and dangerous” policies.

Appearing with American Jewish leaders and Israeli political figures at a hotel in midtown Manhattan, the Republican presidential candidate decried the Obama administration’s approach to the Middle East as a “policy of appeasement” and “a dangerous insult” to Americans and Israelis alike. …

Mark Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University, said Perry’s comments could help him attract Christian conservative voters in the 2012 GOP nominating contest.

“Being a hawk on Israel allows him to simultaneously engage in an at least a modest level of activity in the foreign policy arena while currying favor with a crucial voting bloc within the Republican primary electorate,” said Jones.

Jones available to comment on Perry and GOP debate

September 7th, 2011 by David Ruth

Rice University political scientist Mark Jones is available to discuss tonight’s NBC News/Politico Republican presidential debate. Jones, who is the chair of political science at Rice and a fellow at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is regularly

Mark Jones

Rice University's Mark Jones

quoted nationally about Texas politics and has been closely following Perry’s career and his run for the GOP presidential nomination. Perry, who left the campaign trail a few days ago to come back to Texas due to wildfires, is expected to attend the debate.

To speak with Jones, contact him directly at mpjones@rice.edu. For more information or to schedule the TV or radio studio, contact David Ruth, director of national media relations at Rice University, at druth@rice.edu or 713-348-6327.

Jones in WSJ about Perry job-creation programs

September 2nd, 2011 by David Ruth

Perry’s Job-Creation Funds Draw Flak From Left, Right

Rice University’s Mark Jones contributes to this Wall St. Journal story on Perry’s job creation funding program.


Wall St. Journal (subscription required)

DALLAS—Critics on the right and the left are taking aim at Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s trademark job-creation funds as he steps up his campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination.

The funds, which dole out tax dollars to companies that launch or relocate in Texas, became controversial in the state soon after Mr. Perry persuaded the legislature to start one in 2003 and put it under his control. Mr. Perry believes the funds have contributed to job growth in Texas, which has accounted for 40% of all new jobs in the U.S. since the recession’s end in 2009, said spokesman Mark Miner. …

Texas does not limit the amount individuals can give to candidates, and links between politicians and donors have not historically swayed voters much, said Mark Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University in Houston. “Probably Perry is more worried about what the Republican base will think of the idea of using government money for big business,” he added.

Jones available to comment on Perry’s visit to Oklahoma

August 29th, 2011 by David Ruth

David Ruth

Mark Jones available to comment on Perry’s Oklahoma visit

HOUSTON – (Aug. 29, 2011) – Rice University political scientist Mark Jones is available for news media interviews to discuss Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s visit to Oklahoma.

Jones, who is also the chair of political science at Rice and a fellow at Rice’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, is regularly quoted nationally about Texas politics and has been closely following Perry’s career and his run for the GOP presidential nomination.

To speak with Jones, contact him directly at mpjones@rice.edu. For more information or to schedule the TV or radio studio, contact David Ruth, director of national media relations at Rice University, at druth@rice.edu or 713-348-6327.


Related materials:

Jones’ opinion piece about Perry for the Texas Tribune titled “Perry as a (Very Conservative) Democrat.” The article puts into context Perry’s political affiliation and career in Texas.

In June, Jones penned a story titled “Rick Perry and the Republican Presidential Nomination” for the Baker Institute’s blog on the Houston Chronicle’s website. In it Jones writes about Perry’s fiscal and social policies in Texas and how they might play in a national run against other candidates for the GOP nomination.

Following Perry’s victory in last year’s Texas gubernatorial election, Jones analyzed the governor’s successful primary and general election campaigns for the Austin American-Statesman. The article, “How Perry Dominated his Re-election Races,” highlights aspects of Perry’s campaign tactics, which the governor’s team would likely replicate in his presidential bid.

Mark Jones comments on Perry, Bush relationship, Perry ‘miracle’ and getting out the christian vote

August 19th, 2011 by David Ruth

Below, Mark Jones comments on Fox News about Rick Perry and George Bush’s relationship and Texas politics. The Financial Times article that follows discusses the Perry “miracle” that bristles some Texans and another article on organizers of the recent prayer rally’s efforts to get the christian vote out in 2012. For more information on Jones or to set up an interview, contact David Ruth at druth@rice.edu or 713-348-6327. Jones is also available via email at mpjones@rice.edu.

Financial Times
By Sheila McNulty
Governor’s claims of ‘miracle’ irk Texans

Analysts say that long before the Republican governor came to office in 2000, Texas outpaced the country in job growth. The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas calculates employment growth since 1990 (annual average) at 1.9 per cent for Texas versus 0.9 per cent for the US.

“Texas already had most of the building blocks in place before Mr Perry arrived,’’ said Mark Jones, Rice University’s political science department chairman.

Robert Gilmer, vice-president of the El Paso Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, said the Texas economy is driven by oil and gas, trade and population growth, which from 1990-2010 has been 2 per cent for Texas versus 1.1 per cent for the US.

San Antonio Express-News
By Peggy Fikac
Prayer rally leads to vote effort

Jones in Roll Call story about Perry fundraising

August 13th, 2011 by David Ruth

Mark Jones commented on Gov. Rick Perry’s fundraising efforts in an article in today’s Roll Call. “I think [Perry] is good at getting big-dollar donations; I just don’t know how good he’s going to be at getting the next tier down,” said professor Mark P. Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University.

Perry’s Fundraising History Faces New Test
By Eliza Newlin Carney
Roll Call staff writer

Gov. Rick Perry has a Texas-sized reputation as a fundraiser, but it will be put to the test in the Republican presidential primary.

Perry has collected more than $100 million since becoming Texas governor in 2000. His donors there include wealthy real estate, energy and construction executives well-positioned to become “bundlers” who could round up money for him in the primary. As a former chairman of the Republican Governors Association, Perry has donor networks outside of Texas. And many big GOP donors and bundlers have, whether out of dissatisfaction or uncertainty, so far sat out the race. Read the full story here.

Mark Jones on Houston’s Fox 26 discussing Perry announcement Saturday

August 11th, 2011 by David Ruth

To schedule an interview with Jones, contact David Ruth, director of national media relations at Rice, at druth@rice.edu or 713-348-6327.

Aug. 11 news clippings on Perry’s likely run

August 11th, 2011 by David Ruth

Amarillo Globe-News | Perry touts job growth, blasts Obama
http://amarillo.com/news/local-news/2011-08-11/perry-touts-job-growth-blasts-obama Governor Rick Perry

Political scientist Mark Jones, who has followed Perry’s career and analyzes the voting of Texas state legislators, said it looks like Perry will run for president because “everything has fallen into place for him.”

The job-creation theme is helping Perry position himself well against Obama, said Jones, chairman of the political science department at Rice University in Houston.

“He will automatically become one of the front- runners, along with (former Massachusetts Gov.) Mitt Romney,” Jones predicted. “In the mind of many voters, he offers himself as an alternative to President Obama.”

For Perry, winning the Republican nomination for president may be easier than winning the general election, mainly because of the so-called Texas fatigue after eight years of former President George W. Bush, Jones said.

“We in Texas know that he is distinct from Bush,” Jones said. “But the rest of the country doesn’t and he needs to work on defining himself, because if he is the Republican candidate, the Obama people will try to portray him as another Bush.”

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal | Perry touts state, mum on future

KIAH-TV | ‘Rick’s Run’

Mark Jones available to comment on Perry announcement

August 9th, 2011 by David Ruth

News reports indicate that Texas Gov. Rick Perry will use a speech Saturday in South Carolina to announce that he’s entering the race to become the GOP presidential nominee. Perry also plans to attend a Saturday evening campaign-style event in New Hampshire.

Mark Jones

Rice University's Mark Jones

Mark Jones, Rice University’s chair of political science and an expert on Texas politics who has closely followed Perry’s career, is available for interviews on Perry entering the race.

Commenting in today’s Austin American-Statesman, Jones said, “Instead of all the political news being focused on whoever wins in Iowa, (Perry) will dominate the Sunday papers and the Sunday talk shows.”

Jones recently wrote an opinion piece about Perry for the Texas Tribune titled “Perry as a (Very Conservative) Democrat.” The article puts into context Perry’s political affiliation and career in Texas.

In June, Jones penned a story titled “Rick Perry and the Republican Presidential Nomination” for the Baker Institute’s blog on the Houston Chronicle’s website. In it Jones writes about Perry’s fiscal and social policies in Texas and how they might play in a national run against other candidates for the GOP nomination.

Following Perry’s victory in last year’s Texas gubernatorial election, Jones analyzed the governor’s successful primary and general election campaigns for the Austin American-Statesman. The article, “How Perry Dominated his Re-election Races,” highlights aspects of Perry’s campaign tactics, which the governor’s team would likely replicate in the event of a presidential bid.

Jones is available nationwide for media interviews throughout Perry’s run for the GOP presidential nomination. Rice News and Media Relations has set up a webpage that will be updated with current news releases from Jones, along with ongoing commentary, media appearances and news articles. The page is available at www.nationalmedia.blogs.rice.edu.

This CNN interview about the Arizona immigration bill is an example of Jones conducting a live talk-back.

Jones is also the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy’s Fellow in Political Science as well as the Joseph D. Jamail Chair in Latin American Studies at Rice University. For more information on Jones, go here.

For more information or to schedule an interview with Jones, contact David Ruth, director of national media relations at Rice University, at druth@rice.edu or 713-348-6327.